MTLEY CRE To Webcast Press Conference

April 5, 2008

The Pulse of Radio reports that MTLEY CRE's upcoming press conference on April 15 in Los Angeles will be streamed live on the web and broadcast live on the Fuse cable music channel, according to sources at the band's management company. The source indicated that the webcast will be handled by "Microsoft," although it wasn't clear whether that meant The event is tentatively set to begin at 7 p.m. ET and will include what's being billed as a "colossal" announcement. Although management has denied reports that the group will be unveiling a festival-type "Cruefest" tour, it did confirm that up to two dozen other acts will be involved.

Some of the groups potentially participating include BUCKCHERRY, PAPA ROACH, DROWNING POOL, and CRE bassist Nikki Sixx's side project, SIXX: A.M.

MTLEY CRE singer Vince Neil announced from the stage Thursday night (April 3) during his performance in downtown West Palm Beach, Florida at the free weekly Clematis By Night party that CRE will kick off its upcoming tour at the Cruzan Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach.

A 30-second snippet of a new MTLEY CRE song called "Saints of Los Angeles" surfaced online last week. The track will most likely appear on the band's upcoming new album, "The Dirt", due out on July 8. The title of the record is taken from the band's 2002 memoir of the same name. A single is expected to arrive at radio stations sometime within the next few weeks.

The CD will be the first all-new CRE album since 2000 and the first in more than a decade to feature all four original members. Sixx told this week that the new CD "has the vibe of (classic CRE albums) 'Dr. Feelgood', 'Girls, Girls, Girls' and 'Shout at the Devil'," adding, "There's also a lot of humor because, let's face it, we're ridiculously funny."

A Blu-ray Disc version of "Carnival of Sins", a concert document filmed on the CRE's 2004/2005 reunion tour, arrives on April 29.

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